Funding Garage (FG): Please tell us a little about yourself, your story, and why you're here.
Pro DB: We are a group of individuals from around the globe who believe in our fundamental right to privacy. Based in Denver Colorado, we believe that any unauthorized intrusion into our lives, especially an unauthorized photo should have a solution. We have designed just such a system the Professional Data Blocker or Pro DB Privacy and Identity Protection System. US Citizen are photographed an average 150 times per day (More in major centers) and we think this is an invasion of our everyday privacy. We have produced a US car, truck and motorcycle mobile data blocker system and are in the development phase of full blown anti paparazzi systems for mobile, home and office; targeted at the celebrity market. We have spent our own money developing these systems in the lab and tested on the street, in real time, under real time conditions. We even produced a small run of production models to test the market. We now know we are ready and are looking for the source money to produce the production model Rev E in sufficient quantity to hit the market right! We are proud and excited to be a part of
FG: Can you give us a definition of what you think "crowd-funding" or "crowd-sourcing" is, and could become?
Pro DB: We think crowd funding is an excellent idea that allows small business entrepreneurs a chance to flourish and grow without depending on one large investor or bank to decide your fate. It also gives a chance for people to become a part of that success and the opportunity to support something close to their hearts, or even an interest associated with the concept. We also see Crowdfunding becoming the number one way to raise the initial kickover money, or even get behind and push a company to a completely new level.
FG: What attracted you to crowd-funding?
Pro DB: The unique concept and the ability to interact with the public at large in such a friendly medium instead of just our friends and family who all think “It’s a great idea”.
FG: What do you expect from a successful campaign?
Pro DB: We would love to see a successful campaign that gains momentum with the support of the public who believe in their right to privacy.
FG: If you could build any vehicle (your dream ride), whether it be bike, dragster, hot rod, classic, rally car, you name it, and where budget really was no object; what would it be and why?
Pro DB: It would be a car that transgresses a rally car and a supercar. It would be an Aston Alpina Lancia RS12 – Could you imagine that monster!!
FG: Good luck with your campaign.
Pro DB: Thank you.