
Justice Brothers Museum in Pictures - Funding Garage Inc.

Privately Guided Tour of the Justice Brothers Museum 2013
by Ed Justice Jr.
- Funding Garage Inc -


December 14th (Saturday) - Funding Garage to host seminar at Justice Brothers Racing Museum for SoCal Collegiate Design Projects and the Automotive Industry (RSVP)


What: Funding Garage training session for SoCal collegiate design projects such as Formula SAE and SAE Baja
When: Saturday, December 14th. 9:00 am - lunchtime
Where: Justice Brothers Museum, 2734 Huntington Drive, Duarte, CA 91010

  • Schools: CSUF, CSULB, and UCI will be our pilot program schools for December 14th
  • Others: SoCal automotive/motorsports industry professionals

Why: To help engineering students compete more effectively:

  1. To utilize the collegiate engineering network to help solve industry problems
  2. To help industry establish relationships with future industry leaders
  3. To help SEMA members establish better relationships with SAE and OEMs

How: Funding Garage has a working outline for how student projects can raise money. We need industry and educational professionals to help fill in the details for maximum mutual benefit.


Details:  Companies and partners in the Automotive Industry are welcomed to an invite-only seminar to learn about how the Funding Garage's Fundraising for Educational Competition Model allows businesses to show support for educational initiatives while achieving marketing objectives, increasing sales potential, and engaging high potential students for talent recruitment.

Background: Funding Garage Inc. helps high school and college students fund raise for educational competition. Funding Garage believes in supporting project based educational competitions as early as high school level. The future of the automotive industry depends on the talents going through educational programs. By exposing future talent to hands on learning through competition, it reinforces in real life situations what is learned on the textbook in the classrooms.

Challenge: One of the biggest challenge student teams has is raising funds for competition. Less and less companies are willing to provide monetary support to student teams in trade for a sticker on the side of a race car. Big educational institutes like University of Arizona participates in FormulaSAE only every other year. Funding Garage provides a tool for students to effectively raise funds, reduces the burden on competition hosts the need to heavily subsidize teams, and furthermore allows business affiliates that elect to get involved to spread brand awareness and hit marketing objectives through partnership with student's school and community via FG's unique sponsorship program.





LA Auto Show 2013 in Pictures - Funding Garage Inc.

Los Angeles Auto Show 2013
- Funding Garage Inc -


The Funding Garage Educational Competition Fundraising Model

Background: Funding Garage believes in supporting project based educational competitions as early as high school level. The future of the automotive industry depends on the talents going through educational programs. By exposing future talent to hands on learning through competition, it reinforces in real life situations what is learned on the textbook in the classrooms.

Challenge: One of the biggest challenge student teams has is raising funds for competition. Less and less companies are willing to provide monetary support to student teams in trade for a sticker on the side of a race car. Big educational institutes like University of Arizona participates in FormulaSAE only every other year. Funding Garage provides a tool for students to effectively raise funds, reduces the burden on competition hosts the need to heavily subsidize teams, and furthermore allows business affiliates that elect to get involved to spread brand awareness and hit marketing objectives through partnership with student's school and community via FG's unique sponsorship program.

Qualification: Funding Garage partners with organizations, businesses, or educational institutions that wants to host an inaugural educational competition or has an on-going educational competition where student teams (high school or college level) are required to raise money, build a project, and compete with each other in a hands-on learning environment.

Examples of partnership with current educational competition host include:

- How to Get Started -

Prospective Educational Competition Hosts:
  • Determine the scope of your competition (regional or national, complexity of projects, number of teams, level of funds required to be raised by teams, etc)
  • Establish communication with desired business affiliates within your network and get buy-in for supporting student teams in fundraising for competition
  • Note: Funding Garage will manage the responsibility of helping student teams with fundraising for the competition. 

Prospective Educational Competition Sponsors:
  • Determine what type of product, services, promo items, special events, or offerings you are willing to provide to student teams to help build your company brand awareness and meet your marketing needs
  • Determine if you will be offering your support to the educational competition host, the entire student population, and/or a specific student team
  • NoteMonetary contributions to student teams are not required: think about how students can utilize the merchandises and promotional items you give them for free or relatively inexpensively to entice the community to contribute donations to the project in return for the goodies.

- Educational Workshop #1: Intro to Community Fundraising & Four Tips of Crowdfunding -

Prospective Educational Competition Hosts:
  • Work with Funding Garage and the participating student teams to schedule Workshop #1 to introduce to students the concept of community fundraising platform and educate them on how to effectively run a fundraising campaign. Plan for a 4 hour fun and engaging workshop.
  • NoteFunding Garage will provide resources to lead the 4 hour workshop
Prospective Educational Competition Student Teams:
  • To start your fund raising journey with Funding Garage, it is critical that you invite all affected students and faculty instructors to attend Workshop #1; you will be introduced to the concept of crowdfunding and understand how you can create an effective fundraising campaign
  • Pre-work prior to Workshop #1: Read and follow the pre-work instruction document
Prospective Educational Competition Sponsors:
  • Register on Funding Garage Website: Step-by-step instruction
  • After deciding what promo items or merchandises you want to contribute to help student team raise funding for educational competition, create a blog post that shows pictures of what you're offering, description of the items, and how students can request for them. 
  • Note: Students will be using the promo items and merchandises provided to them to thank contributors for donating money to their project. Think about items of high consumer value (autographed posters, key chains, company apparel, tickets to private events, company tour, etc) but negligible cost to your company. Be creative and let your brand spread out to the student's schools and communities.

Workshop Content:
- Educational Workshop #2: Registering and Launching Fundraising Campaign -

Prospective Educational Competition Hosts:
  • Work with Funding Garage and the participating student teams to schedule Workshop #2 to walk the students through registering, setting up project page, and launching fundraising campaign. Plan for a 4 hour fun and engaging workshop.
  • NoteFunding Garage will provide resources to lead the 4 hour workshop
Prospective Educational Competition Student Teams:
Prospective Educational Competition Sponsors:
  • By now you should have created a blog post capturing the level of support you are willing to offer to student teams and event organizers.
  • Check out different student projects on www.fundinggarage.com and reach out to teams that you would like to partner with.
  • NoteFunding Garage will also put you in touch with students from this workshop to initiate conversation.
- Further Workshops: Knowledge Sharing -

Prospective Educational Competition Hosts:
  • Work with Funding Garage, the participating student teams, and sponsors to schedule further workshops to allow students and sponsors to interact and transfer knowledge.
  • Examples: Air intake companies like K&N can host a workshop on intake airflow design, Brembo on sizing the appropriate brake system, Eibach on suspension design, Mazda on overall design of the vehicle
Prospective Educational Competition Sponsors:
  • You have the opportunity to further interact with the student population by hosting workshops on topics related to your business core competencies.
  • NoteTreat this interaction as an opportunity to further promote your brand into the student base as well as to scout future high-potential talents 

Step-by-step Instructions: Business Affiliate Signup for Educational Competition

Why Funding Garage: Whether your company already support SAE Collegiate Competition, solar car challenge, etc, or want to start offering support to educational competition, Funding Garage allows business affiliates that elect to get involved to spread brand awareness and hit marketing objectives through partnership with student's school and community via FG's unique sponsorship program.

Background: Funding Garage believes in supporting educational competitions. The future of the automotive industry depends on the talents going through educational programs. By exposing future talent to hands on learning through competition, it reinforces in real life situations what is learned on the textbook in the classrooms.

- Register for New User Account -
  • Fill out all of the required fields (*) on the registration page and click the "Sign up" button
- Affiliate Signup -
  • Click the "Affiliates" button in the top left of the navigational bar
  • Click the "Affiliate Signup" button on the right side of the page
  • Fill out all of the required fields (*)

  • Upload project image (NOTE: make sure your picture meets the suggested size of 260x180px)

  • Choose the category that fits your business (for supporting educational competition typically you would choose "Marketing and Promotions")

  • Once you've completed all required entries, click the "Create Affiliate" button
Your new affiliate account will be reviewed by Funding Garage and approved (if appropriate) within 24-72 hours after you have submitted your project.

- Add or Edit Blogs -

If you intend on offering to student teams promo items or merchandises to help them raise funding for educational competition, make sure you create a blog that shows pictures of what you're offering, description of the items, and how students can request for them.
  • Click on your business affiliate from the homepage
  • Click the "Edit Affiliate Details" link on the right navigation window
  • Click the "Edit Blog Posts" link on the right navigation window

  • New Blog Post: Fill out the required fields and click the "Create Blog post" button
  • Edit Blog Post: Navigate to the blog you would like to edit and click the button "Edit" to edit the entry or "Destroy" to delete the blog forever