
Cienega High School students setting crowdfunding history

First Vail District School to utilize Crowdfunding to raise funding for University of Arizona Solar Go-Kart Competition

Cienega Team Picture

Cienega High School reaches 123% of its original crowdfunding goal

As the returning Grand Champions of the 2012 "Racing the Sun" Challenge, the students of Cienega high school sets history again by being the first Vail District School to successfully crowdfund their fundraising campaign for the 2013 UA Racing the Sun Challenge. They also set the example for the rest of the automotive community that crowdfunding is a viable model for raising funding for automotive enthusiasts. Please join us in congratulating Josh, Alex, Maria, Tyler, and their coach Mr. Michael Keck on their wonderful accomplishment.

About: The University of Arizona - Racing the Sun Challenge

The second annual UA sponsored STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) high school solar go-kart competition is back, and 2013 is packed with 4 high school once again competing for two top honors (endurance and speed). High school students are expected to fabricate, test, and race their solar go-karts against other teams.
Team Members Banner copy

There's still time to contribute! Here's how:

Cienega students are offering some pretty sweet perks for contributors ranging from custom team t-shirts to LED lit hat to VIP treatment at race day to personalized plaque with team autographs to private invitation to the celebration Pizza Party after the race.
To contribute, click on the link below to take you to their crowdfunding campaign homepage. Please also help spread the word!
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©2013 Funding Garage Inc. | 9040 South Rita Road STE 1270 | Tucson, Arizona | 85747 | 310.853.3088